House bills dying in the Senate

Kathleen Passidomo says legislation barring trans identity from licenses won’t be heard in Senate” via Jacob Ogles of Florida Politics — The measure also would have required insurance companies covering gender reassignment surgery to cover de-transitioning as well.

  • “That bill is still stuck in Committee,” the Naples Republican said, “and so, pursuant to our rules. We don’t take bills. We don’t do the cards or ever take bills out of Committee.”  Read more.

County Commissioner term limits bill dies as Senate, House diverge” via A.G. Gancarski of Florida Politics — An ambitious legislative proposal that would have led to term limits for County Commissioners is dead for 2024 after the Senate and House couldn’t agree on language, according to sources close to legislative leadership and bill sponsors.

  • The House bill was sponsored by Rep. Michelle Salzman (R-Cantonment). Read more.

Legislature won’t raise minimum age for strip club workers this year” via A.G. Gancarski of Florida Politics — A legislative push to keep people under the age of 21 from performing or working in adult entertainment venues has died in Committee and will not be voted on by the Senate or House this year.  Read more.

Controversial defamation bill dead in the Senate — again” via Jacob Ogles of Florida Politics — The Senate will not consider a controversial defamation bill. For the second year in a row, the bill effectively hit a wall in the upper chamber despite signs of life in the House. With fewer than two weeks left in the Legislative Session, Senate President Kathleen Passidomo’s Office signaled there is no appetite for the bill.

  • Rep. Alex Andrade (R-Pensacola) sponosored the House version. Read more.

Proposal to delete same-sex marriage ban from Florida Constitution dies without a hearing” via Jesse Scheckner of Florida Politics — Bills that would have given Florida voters a chance to remove a ban on same-sex marriage from the Florida Constitution have died without a hearing this year. Technical snags due to inaction on the Senate side killed their viability, despite a last-minute push by the bills’ House sponsor to save them. Read more.

Personhood Bill Dropped
Sen. Erin Grall this week announced this week that she was dropping her push to allow someone to sue for the death of an unborn child, a measure that had been viewed by abortion rights supporters as a way to sue doctors.

The legislation (SB 476) came under increased scrutiny after the Alabama Supreme Court said that frozen embryos could be considered children — a move that led some health care providers in that state to suspend fertility treatments. Read more.

1 thought on “House bills dying in the Senate

  1. Thank you so much for posting this Rick. Part of the freight train effect of the recent legislative sessions that were spawned by the long-time power brokers who are *really* in charge of that swamp was to unleash so many horrible, dangerous, and destructive bills in a few quick cycles–throw in DeSantis’s pointless culture wars special sessions to tattoo the eyebrows on the pig–that it’s almost impossible to keep track of all of the issues that really need eyes.

    Now if the senate could do something about our Attorney General playing the willing patsy to DeSantis’s gluttony of unconstitutionality, we might just find the millions of dollars necessary to do things like, oh, pull Citizens out of insolvency, rescue the state retirement fund, hire teachers, and provide adequate medical and dental care for our children in the absence of the Medicaid expansion the geniuses in the GOP continue to turn down.

    Oh and while they’re at it, can they do something about LaPapaDoc’s mission to kill kids with measles?

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