Hovind federal trial starts next week

Kent Hovind, the founder of Creation Science Evangelism and the defunct Dinosaur Adventure Land, will be back in Federal Court before Judge Casey Rodgers next week.

In 2008, Hovind was found guilty of 58 counts of tax fraud, including failure to pay $845,000 in employee-related taxes. His wife, Jo Hovind, was convicted of 44 counts. He believed he and his employees were working for God and therefore exempt from paying taxes. The employees were paid in cash.

Jo Hovind represented herself as a simple piano teacher and grandmother, who was unaware of the bank’s cash reporting regulations. However, the IRS proved that she cashed several checks under the bank’s $10,000 reporting threshold. From 2000 to 2003, more than $1.1 million was taken from Creation Science Evangelism accounts in checks made out to “cash.”

Hovind is now facing fraud and contempt of court for arranging to file a lis pendens on his property that was seized by the government. The allegation iss the document was an attempt to scare off anyone from buying his former property.

Stay tuned.