How FL DEP spent $40M

The state of Florida has received $50 million from BP, $40 million of which was given to the Department of Environmental Protection. The IN has acquired documents that show how DEP spent the money.

Consultant Contracts on developing booming plans: $974,000

Escambia County: $1,458,000
Santa Rosa: $1,036,363
Okaloosa: $4,340,447
Gulf: $1,244,395
Bay: $7.932.027
Franklin: $15,715,440
Wakulla: $4,961,771

Total booming: $38,244,005

DEP: Five skimming vessels $609,000

Total spent by DEP: $39,827,005

RO Note: See how little Escambia County received even though we had the most impact from the BP disaster.

Also here is what the state agencies have spent on personnel, travel, equipment, other (which I assume is from the other $10M):
Agriculture: $297,000
Emergency Mgmt: $1,163,346
DEP: $2,772,076
Health: $1,486,355
Highway Safety: $31,639
Fish & Wildlife: $2,02,992
Mgmt Services: $8,826
National Guard: $717,000
Revenue: $677
State: $4,217
Transportation: $58,497

Total: $8,560,624