How to prepare for PNJ interview

They’ve set their template for the newly elected officials. Be ready to name five priorities. Monday we had David Morgan. Yesterday Malcolm Thomas. Today Mike Wiggins.

Mike Wiggins – Pensacola mayor
1. Revving up the economy
2. Balancing the budget
3. Establishing council goals
4. A new library downtown
5. Curbside recycling

Malcolm Thomas – Superintendent of Schools
1. Restore public’s confidence
2. Better student achievement
3. Better safety and discipline
4. Better compensation for employees
5. Better accounting and transparency

David Morgan – Escambia County Sheriff
1. Hiring more deputies
2. Restructuring the sheriff’s office
3. Increasing pay
4. Training
5. Creating a strategic plan for each Sheriff’s Office precinct

My suggestion for upcoming interviews would be combine these:
1. Rev up the economy
2. Balance the budget
3. Restore public’s confidence
4. Transparency
5. Create a strategic plan
