Rick's Blog

How Valentino plan was formed

The IN requested the emails of Commissioner Gene Valentino regarding his economic development plan. The purpose was to gain a better understanding of the details of his plan and how it was developed. We will publish these emails for your review without commentary. I will provide my analysis later.

These are the emails regarding what appears to be the original GV plan and the spreadsheet on the funding. This powerpoint was never presented to the BOCC and this is the first time the funding spreadsheet has been made public.

033109-Powerpoint ver4

Economic Development Funding Sources

From: Gene Valentino [mailto:genev@collectorsolutions.com]
Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2009 10:55 PM
To: Bob_McLaughlin@co.escambia.fl.us
Cc: Alison Perdue Rogers; amy_lovoy@co.escambia.fl.us
Subject: CONFIDENTIAL – Version 4

Importance: High

Bob… If you kick back input to this ppt simply call it Version 5. My response to your Version 5 is my Version 6. We can make this a working “ping pong” tournament for a week until it’s ready….

I saw Alison’s letter to all the commissioners. It is essential that the Chamber ‘buy-in’ to the notion of “in the Sunshine” EDC. A LOT more work is needed on this and I have to pull other notes.

Ali…. please suggest what you may want to articulate from your memorandum to my fellow commissioners and let me know what you feel you’d like to add.

I will be incorporating Amy’s input on the financial side in a separate meeting after Ali and Amy meet to assert that the numbers at 1 % INCLUDE the City. I also need Ali and Amy to clarify for me the REIT, the PEDC, and public/private ventures be allowed in the EDC’s governance and operations.

I also have to add to this the graphics that show the “Chairs” and their multiple sub-functions and importance…..

County Commissioner, District 2
Escambia County, Florida
221 Palafox Place, Suite 400
Pensacola, Florida 32591-1591
PH: 850-595-4920

Visit Us @: http://www.myescambia.com/departments/board_of_county_commissioners/District2.php

“To respond is positive, to react is negative” – Zig Ziglar

From: Amy Lovoy [mailto:allovoy@co.escambia.fl.us]
Sent: Wed 4/1/2009 8:17 AM
To: Gene Valentino; Bob_McLaughlin@co.escambia.fl.us
Cc: Alison Perdue Rogers; amy_lovoy@co.escambia.fl.us
Subject: RE: CONFIDENTIAL – Version 4

Just as an aside, whoever did the Powerpoint I’m going to get to do all of my Powerpoints. It was very well done.

From: Gene Valentino [mailto:genev@collectorsolutions.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 01, 2009 4:56 PM
To: Amy Lovoy
Subject: RE: CONFIDENTIAL – Version 4

What? Not sure what your statement says….


From: Amy Lovoy [mailto:allovoy@co.escambia.fl.us]
Sent: Wednesday, April 01, 2009 5:09 PM
To: Gene Valentino
Subject: RE: CONFIDENTIAL – Version 4

I thought this whole thing was incredibly well thought out. It is nice to have an entire plan. Good luck with it.

From: Gene Valentino [mailto:genev@collectorsolutions.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 01, 2009 9:28 PM
To: Amy Lovoy
Subject: RE: CONFIDENTIAL – Version 4

Thank you….. let’s fine tune the numbers. Clarify for me if the numbers reflect CITY money….

County Commissioner, District 2
Escambia County, Florida
221 Palafox Place, Suite 400
Pensacola, Florida 32591-1591
PH: 850-595-4920

Visit Us @: http://www.myescambia.com/departments/board_of_county_commissioners/District2.php

From: Amy Lovoy [mailto:allovoy@co.escambia.fl.us]
Sent: Thursday, April 02, 2009 8:15 AM
To: Gene Valentino; Gene M Valentino
Subject: RE: CONFIDENTIAL – Version 4

No, it does not include City money. If they wanted to participate, they would have to dedicate to their own money. Alison and I have a meeting on this next week on this subject. She may have some bright ideas.

From: “Gene M. Valentino”
Date: Thu, 2 Apr 2009 11:52:32 -0500
To:”Amy L. Lovoy”
CC: Bob McLaughlin , “Alison A. Perdue”

Thanks Amy:

The fact is that IF IF IF the City got on board, and THEY applied the same 1 % to the mix … the revenue stream would be significantly more. Please attempt to give me a similar spreadsheet:

* Version #1-a: County without the City (what I have now I believe)
* Version #1-b: County WITH the City’s revenue.

As you can see from the PowerPoint….the City is clearly a partner/stakeholder in the design. The City should therefore SHARE in the EDC funding efforts as they tacitly do now. I need emphasis to show that the City’s 2 EDC-appointed Board members are essential to the Board and therefore it is only logical that they be on the board since they would be funding participants. It’s that sort of picture I’m trying to paint.

Good luck on your “joint” meeting … If you want to have me step in … I’d be happy to but, not necessary if you’d prefer otherwise.

County Commissioner, District 2
Escambia County, Florida
221 Palafox Place, Suite 400
Pensacola, Florida 32591-1591
PH: 850-595-4920
Visit Us @: http://www.myescambia.com/departments/board_of_county_commissioners/District2.php

Subject:Chamber Decision
From:Bob McLaughlin
Date: Tue, 21 Apr 2009 16:00:38 -0500

To: Bob McLaughlin , “rrao@uwf.edu” , “_CHD17all@doh.state.fl.us” <_chd17all>, District2 , District4 , District3 , District5 , District1
CC: “ecmsexec@bellsouth.net” , “lmcmullen@medone.org” , “alma.littles@med.fsu.edu” , “secretary@doh.state.fl.us” , “aviamonteros@gmail.com” , “bcp05@med.fsu.edu” , “Evie_Crosby@doh.state.fl.us” , “dams@ichp.nova.edu” , “DebMSmi@aol.com” , “dmellman@post.harvard.edu” , “Russell_Eggert@doh.state.fl.us” , “fwhitson@medone.org” , “geosmit@aol.com” , “Heidar_Heshmati@doh.state.fl.us” , “Doug_Holt@doh.state.fl.us” , “jrowsey@verizon.net” , “jamesthowell@yahoo.com” , “harmonwa@bellsouth.net” , “John.Armstrong@surgery.ufl.edu” , john_lanza , “les.beitsch@med.fsu.edu” , “drbarnett@mandalamedispa.com” , “nimi91@gmail.com” , “pduncan@phhp.ufl.edu” , “windom@comcast.net” , “tsack@BGCLINIC.COM” , “Michael_Sentman@doh.state.fl.us” , “Kevin_Sherin@doh.state.fl.us” , “Robert_Siedlecki@doh.state.fl.us” , “sfranz@medone.org”


I just learned from Evon that the Chamber Board of Directors met yesterday and have decided to implement their reorganization per their study that Mort O’Sullivan presented to you at the joint city-county meeting last month. I will provide you with an update as I learn more.

Bob McLaughlin

From:Jane Birdwell
Date: Mon, 27 Apr 2009 14:32:26 -0500
To: Bob McLaughlin , “Jane Birdwell (jbirdwell@birdwell.us)”
CC:”Gene M. Valentino”

Talking points as requested from our Sunday conversation…..

This is not about disagreeing with Mort/Chamber plan . Without a funding source and execution strategy and further specifics about structure it is more of a beginning or overview of possibilities than plan.

It was always agreed that continued dialog was supported and accepted – after all – this is one of the most important decisions we will make as a community for some time to come.

The business community wants something clearly defined, ultimately accountable and extremely progressive – something new – where all interests have a seat at the table and defined roles from the beginning

The private sector is not in a position to financially support economic development and if public money is invested then the money is saying we want to help guide the plan – we want cohesion between the agencies and the goals as it relates to jobs and how to build the economic future.

We want and have the support of our constituents that we should not just accept the first ideas, the chamber is not the only organization entitled to weigh in on this critical issue – we owe it to everyone to make sure we have asked the right questions, received input on the highest levels and have the greatest feeling of confidence regarding the investment we are prepared to make.

Commissioner – is there a way that you can shorten or circumvent the concept of blue ribbon? It was clear to me yesterday that you are firm in your desire for it to happen but I have to tell you it is very dangerous. I think there is a faster way to have the merits of your plan vetted and integrated. More to come if you like….I’ll see you tomorrow at 11a for your GCAD update.


Jane Birdwell
Managing Partner
890 S. Palafox Street, Suite 109
Pensacola, Florida 32502

o: 850.432.2761
c: 850.261.5140


Subject:Emailing: 033109-Powerpoint ver4.ppt
From:”Gene M. Valentino”
Date:Mon, 27 Apr 2009 16:37:51 -0500
To:”Alison A. Perdue”
CC\: Bob McLaughlin , “Amy L. Lovoy”

Ali… per our conversation, here’s the very early version of the Powerpoint. You can use these templates. I’d like something more stylish but, this is a great start. Bob has offered to arrange a meeting for you,me,Bob, and Amy soon.

Subject:DRAFT Slides & Script
From:Bob McLaughlin
Date:Fri, 1 May 2009 08:00:51 -0500
To:”Gene M. Valentino”

Would like to have your draft slides & draft script for your slides by close of business today. Pls have slides in .ppt format. Script can be MS Word or notes on each slide.

I will meet with the Commissioner on Monday PM to díscuss and finalize for recording on Friday next week.

Pls send your products to me via email. If you can stay by your cellphone this weekend in case we have questions I would appreciate it.

Pls be flexible. This is an extremely fast moving project. If you have any questions please call, text or email.



—–Original Message—–
From: Bob McLaughlin [mailto:rrmclaug@co.escambia.fl.us]
Sent: Friday, May 01, 2009 1:19 PM
To: Amy Lovoy; Alison Rogers; Kristin Hual; Jane Birdwell
Cc: District2
Subject: FW: Emailing: 033109-Powerpoint ver4.ppt

Attached is the original rough draft of slides for your use.


—–Original Message—–
From: Alison Rogers [mailto:aaperdue@co.escambia.fl.us]
Sent: Friday, May 01, 2009 2:37 PM
To: rrmclaug@co.escambia.fl.us; Amy Lovoy; Kristin Hual; Jane Birdwell
Cc: District2; Dianne Simpson
Subject: RE: Emailing: 033109-Powerpoint ver4.ppt


Kristin has been putting together some slides today. One issue I still think is a potential problem is the $50k per seat on the Council Com. V envisions. Pretty sure that as a public agency, this will be a problem.


—–Original Message—–
From: Amy Lovoy [mailto:allovoy@co.escambia.fl.us]
Sent: Friday, May 01, 2009 2:58 PM
To: Alison Rogers; rrmclaug@co.escambia.fl.us; Kristin Hual; Jane Birdwell
Cc: District2; Dianne Simpson

Subject: RE: Emailing: 033109-Powerpoint ver4.ppt

Not to disagree, but we take fees for services all the time. We also take donations.

—–Original Message—–
From: Alison Rogers [mailto:aaperdue@co.escambia.fl.us]
Sent: Friday, May 01, 2009 4:49 PM
To: Amy Lovoy; rrmclaug@co.escambia.fl.us; Kristin Hual; Jane Birdwell
Cc: District2; Dianne Simpson; Dianne Simpson

Subject: RE: Emailing: 033109-Powerpoint ver4.ppt

Unless the idea is to have a group of participating entities, that in exchange for being a participating entity their annual contribution, as established as part of the structure of the organization, is a certain amount similar to what we do with PEDC? It was explained to me differently.

Subject: FW:Emailing: 033109-Powerpoint ver4.ppt
From:”Gene M. Valentino”
Date:Sat, 2 May 2009 21:00:53 -0500
To:”Gene M. Valentino”

–Original Message–

Please be careful not to micro-legalize this into gridlock. The PEDC will need to fold-in under this new EDC as a 2nd phase. The EDC and its defined role in the PEDc will be that of the Chamber’s, later. Nothing changes with the PEDC’s design and purpose other than having a new 3rd partner. “KIS”. Please do not judge the merits of the “chair” participants or their investment level, yet. The CHAir positions on the EDC Board vary based on the number of private sector chair investors. The “Chair” concept merely perpetuates the private sector’s participation in a fair & equitable way. They’re doing it now haphazzardly via Foundations for the Future. Moreover, the problem now is that they trump-up private participation, alledeging in-kind participation (non-cash) and then the county comes in and unknowingly matches with our cash their inflated half. This is wrong.
My plan addresses this incongruity by empowering the chair with a vote, with authority to represent his industry sector and by authorizing ‘teaming’ alliances with their otherwise competitors. the match. It’s more important, studies show, that the industry class has participation not policing the merits/veracity of an investment match. (True private sector participation!).
Please focus on the Chair involvement in the structure in the EDC structure, not the dollar amount of the investment. I need “chair” language defining their voting relationship on the EDC board, the three ‘freebies’; for the minority, military, and educational Chairs. BCC picks 5, Pens Council picks 2, Century picks 1….plus the 3 freebees, plus the invested ‘Chairs’. The EDC Board is IN THE SUNSHINE. Its operating team is NOT. This will require special attention and care with detail: empowering them to remain IN THE SHADE. Annonimity and confidentiality is essentintial and a unique paridigm in this environment. Insuring this in the design is absolutely essential. This address Mort’s Team’s concerns and allow my shade team to do so much more in ways the chamber is not empowered and authorized to do now.

–Original Message–

For your continued review.


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