Rick's Blog

Human trafficking reported again

On June 7, the IN reported on human trafficking in Northwest Florida (Shauna’s Story of Slavery ). At the time the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office denied there was a problem in the Panhandle and put pressure on several of sources to stop talking to us. Air America Radio picked up the story nationally, but we got little follow up by the local media.

On Sept 12, CBS Early Show picked up on the Shauna story (The Realities of Human Trafficking ). Still there were no reports on WEAR or in the News Journal.

On Saturday, Sept 22, the Daily News and Freedom Newspapers of Florida reported on Human Trafficking in the Destin area. Their story focused on Eastern European immigrants and others brought to the Panhandle to work in hotels and restaurants but instead are placed in strip clubs and escort services. Read Human Trafficking: a million-dollar industry in Destin

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