Rick's Blog

Humane Society emails give more insights

The PNJ reports the Pensacola Humane Society, on behalf of its board of directors, has filed a lawsuit against six former department heads for sending out a press release – under the name WeTheOrganization – alleging the misappropriation of restricted funds, plus calling for policy reforms and the resignation of Board President Gerald Adcox.

The press release was sent after the board had emergency meeting called by Board member Eloise Lautier on Nov. 16 “to discuss urgent financial concerns.” We published the WeTheOrganization memo on the blog on Dec. 8. – Something’s Wrong @Humane Society.

What Happened After Memo Published

Two days later, the Board held a special meeting to identify who was WeTheOrganization and sent a memo to Manda Moore Joseph, who had been serving in a dual role as interim executive director and development director.

The board’s memo to Joseph ordered her to hold no meetings, formally or informally, with staff, volunteers, or donors, either in person or by telephone, without at least two board members in attendance.

According to the board memo, on Monday, Dec. 12, board members would show up at the PHS office at 8 a.m. to question staff individually about WeTheOrganization. The interrogations were mandatory. Then a mandatory meeting for the entire staff would be held at 10 a.m.

Joseph was warned that she may be subject to legal action and had to preserve all evidence – on her cellphone, personal computers, etc.

On Dec. 10 – the same day as the special board meeting, Adcox commented on the blog: “This is as result of a few employees ? We are financially sound and their allegations are patently false, there has been zero misappropriations, we think it goes back to a rogue interim director who has limited knowledge, can you take this down. We have engaged Emmanuel Shepard to find out who is the anonymous writer. We will be transparent and give you a real interview when we figure what this is about. I have the bad guy as the director resigned for personal reasons , not humane related.”

In the following weeks, Adcox would refuse interview requests made by our reporter Jeremy Morrison.

The morning of Dec. 12 after the interrogations and mandatory staff meeting, Adcox sent an email to the Humane Society’s volunteer coordinator with an attachment outlining Joseph’s compensation request if she took the job as executive director while remaining as director of development. Moore had not been compensated for serving as the interim.

Email Exchange:

(note: punctuation and spelling below are from the actual emails)

Adcox wrote, “just thought you might like to see this doc your leader submitted to the board for approval, six times the salary increase of all employees combined, no further comment is necessary, send out as you see fit.”

The volunteer coordinator responded, “How inappropriate of you to send me an email like this! This appears to be confidential information that I do NOT need to know. Please refrain from emailing me. How can I trust that you will not send out my confidential information? You are wrong for that sir.”

Adcox responded within six minutes: “the truth really hurts doesn’t it…”

The volunteer coordinator replied: “No, what hurts is you thinking that I would send out this information that you illegally shared with me. It is illegal to share this confidential information.”

Adcox took longer to reply this time – over three hours: “my apologies, information is public knowledge on the 990 we file, IRS.gov salaries of executive directors are posted there, i thank you for your concerns but please be careful what you call illegal as you might indict yourself, i did not ask you to send to anyone but thought as a volunteer coordinator you might like to know with allegations flying around about lack of monies, your payroll has always been there on time, this has gotten to be a crazy mess, do not forget our mission which i always admired you for. Oh as for confidential information, it has flowed freely to the WETHEORGANIZATION from somewhere. you will not be hearing from me again, best in your endeavors”


11/16 Emergency board meeting called to discuss “urgent financial concerns.”

12/8 Board meeting held. WeTheOrganization sends out memo later. Inweekly publishes it.

12/10 Special board meeting held to find who is WeTheOrganization. Manda Moore Joseph ordered not to communicate with anyone tied to PHS without two board members present and told to preserve records because of possible lawsuit.

12/12 Staff members questioned individually and mandatory staff meeting. Board president sends Joseph’s compensation request to volunteer coordinator, telling her  to “send out as you see fit.” He later backs up claiming he did not ask to send to anyone, and he warns her to be careful with her words.

The board never got confessions from the six former department heads, who resigned over the Christmas holidays.

Stay tuned. More to be posted.

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