Hurricanes, Climate Change, and Stronger Storms

Dr. Roger Jones shares his expertise on the science behind more frequent and intense storms.

The heart of hurricane season is approaching, and scientists predict that Earth’s changing climate will create more of the most powerful storms along the Gulf coast. 350 Pensacola hosts this talk by physicist and entrepreneur Dr. Roger Jones who will explain the fundamental processes that lead to hurricanes and how a warming planet is changing the frequency and intensity of storms.

Dr. Jones is a Research Fellow at the Center for Complex Systems and Enterprises at the Stevens Institute of Technology. Trained in physics at Dartmouth College, he worked as a staff physicist at Los Alamos National Laboratory from 1979 to 1995, where his primary research interests were laser fusion and machine learning. He is coauthor of the book Confronting Complexity: X-Events, Resilience, and Human Progress, scheduled for release in December.

The presentation is one in a series addressing environmental issues presented throughout the year by 350 Pensacola. The meeting is free and open to the public.

What: “Hurricanes, Climate Change, and Stronger Storms” a talk by Roger Jones, PhD
Where: Bayview Senior Center, 2000 E. Lloyd St.
When: Tuesday, July 14, 7 pm