Immigration reform: The case for a clear path to citizenship

On Wednesday, I interviewed on IN Your Head Radio Patrick Oakford on immigration reform. Oakford is a Research Associate in the Economic Policy department of the Center for American Progress . His research focuses on issues relating to U.S. immigration policy and the labor force.

We talk about the Center for American Progress’s recent report: “The Economic Case for a Clear, Quick Pathway to Citizenship.”

The Center has evidence that citizenship would significantly enhance the U.S. economy. This report goes further, examining not just the U.S. case but also the economic impact of allowing immigrants to gain full citizenship in other countries in North America and Europe. The evidence is clear: A pathway to citizenship free of obstacles and undue delays helps immigrants integrate into the labor market and increase their earnings. These increased earnings and the corresponding added tax revenue would help grow the economy, which yields benefits for native-born citizens, too.

Listen to the interview.