IMPACT 100 needs your vote

IMPACT 100 Pensacola Bay Area has been selected as a Top Five Finalist for a 2012 CLASSY Awards! From a pool of 2,400 nominations throughout the country, their Achievement Story stood out as one of the best of the best and they have advanced to the Most Creative Fundraiser by a Charity.

They need your help to reach the next level. Fifty percent of the next round is based upon you voting for IMPACT. Voting begins today and ends at 11:59 P.M. PST on July 26, 2012.

Please follow these steps to vote for IMPACT 100. Anyone can vote!

Go to:

Click on the South Region button

Scroll down to Most Creative Fundraiser category

Select IMPACT 100 Pensacola Bay Area

Click “Submit My Final Ballot”

After voting, you will see a message from Facebook that says…”Stay Classy would like permission to post on your behalf… ALLOW / SKIP”. If you do not use Facebook or do not want your vote posted to Facebook, you can opt to skip this step. Your vote will still be counted and you’ll recieve a notice that “your vote has been counted.”

The CLASSY Awards is the largest philanthropic awards show in the country. It is hosted by StayClassy, a fast-growing San Diego-based start-up whose founders were selected by Bloomberg Businessweek as one of the top 5 most promising social entrepreneurs in America.
