IN: June 7 issue

cover 06-07-07

While the daily newspaper is writing about car crashes and FEMA reimbursements, the Independent News has two strong news stories on human trafficking in the Panhandle and on the recommendations before the Escambia County commission on fire protection. These are two stories the daily won’t touch.

Shauna’s Story of Slavery: Tells the story of the abduction of a 17 year old, white middle class girl, her brutal gang rape and near sale into slavery. Human trafficking is the second largest crime internationally, behind drugs and tied with arms dealing. Florida is the second busiest state for it. The Panhandle, particularly Pensacola, is one of the busiest areas in the state for it. Thirty-three girls were rescued from sex trafficking in May locally – another 10 just this week. It’s the crime no one wants to talk about here.

Citizens: Better Way To Fight Fires: The 15 citizens who spent the past six months examining the ins and outs of Escambia County’s fire protection service are fanning the flames of change. They recommend combining volunteer and career firefighting operations under Escambia County Fire-Rescue Chief Ken Perkins and much more.
