Rick's Blog

IN Martini Night Buzz – 9/6/06

Quint Studer received tremendous praise tonight for his perseverance on the park issue. Charlie Fairchild also got kudos for being a gracious loser.

The Independent News was congratulated for its willingness to challenge Save Our City and for holding them accountable. The blog remained a hot topic, too. There was much discussion on the Donovan attack during the WSRE debate. People wondered where Marty was and what was he going to do next? Will he follow Fairchild’s lead or still stay on the attack?

One rumor – and I see it as nothing but a rumor – is that Marty will resign from the city council and will form an environmental group to fight the waterfront park.

Another topic was the Gene Valentino- Edwin Roberts recount. Valentino has a one vote lead. People are wondering how will they recount the touch-screen votes that have no paper trail. The recount begins Thursday morning.

Other than the park vote: the two biggest surprises are the Grover Robinson win over incumbent Tom Banjanin in the commission race and Jeff Bergosh winning his brother’s school board seat without a run-off.

All in all, Martini Night had a festive spirit. People for once are excited about the future of this area.

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