IN Your Head Radio Jan. 15 guests: BP tactics, Morgan’s bid for third term, GB Zoo vs. PETA and a legal warrior

Today on the radio show we will:

Brent Coon,
His firm Brent Coon & Associates was founded in 2001. Today, with offices spanning the country, it is one of the largest trial law firm. He is considered one of the top trial attorneys in the nation, and has fought for victims hurt by BP in the 2005 Texas Refinery explosion and 2010 Deepwater Horizon disaster.

Escambia Co. Sheriff David Morgan,
Morgan has pre-filed for a third term, something that he previously said he never would do. Hear why he changed his mind.

Delcianna Winders, Deputy General Counsel, Captive Animal Law Enforcement at PETA Foundation
Last week, PETA filed formal comments with the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (FWS) opposing the Gulf Breeze Zoo’s (GBZ) application for a permit to breed endangered animals.

Sherri Myers, Pensacola City Councilwoman
Sherri fights for the powerless, has done it all her life. Hear her amazing story.

The show airs from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on WCOA FM 100.7. You can listen online at or on iheartRadio. You follow us on Twitter @inyourheadradio and like our page of Facebook.

We will try taking callers in between the interviews – Call 888-476-1007. Locals can drop the area code when dialing.
