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IN Your Head Radio Jan. 21 guests talk about Education Reform, GOP politics, Rick Scott, Charlie Crist

Sabrina Stevens
A teacher-turned-writer and activist who has worked with students in struggling communities in Philadelphia and Denver. After an eye-opening experience teaching in a so-called ‘failing’ school in Denver, Sabrina left the classroom to speak out against the abuses of the movement to privatize public education. In 2011, she helped organize the first Save Our Schools March and National Call to Action. She is the executive director of Integrity in Education, a new organization focused on restoring integrity to the education policy conversation in this country.

Rick Wilson
The owner of Florida-based political consulting firm Intrepid Media. If you don’t know Rick Wilson, then you aren’t a player on the Republican scene. As one Tallahassee insider told m, Rick is a “big freaking deal republican operative and strategist on a national scale.” Rick is routinely called upon by major news networks and big name newspapers to weigh in on the political topics of the day. His twitter feed is not for the faint of heart, particularly if you are a liberal.

Kevin Cate
Kevin Cate was named one of Florida’s rising political stars by the News Service of Florida. Prior to starting Kevin Cate Communications in 2010, Cate served as a regional communications director for a winning presidential campaign and managed press for three Florida state agencies (Health, Financial Services, Juvenile Justice), two Florida congressional candidates, and two Florida statewide politicians.

The show airs from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on WCOA FM 100.7. You can listen online at Wcoapensacola.com or on iheartRadio. You follow us on Twitter @inyourheadradio and like our page of Facebook.

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