Ingram jumps on Caylee Anthony bill

It’s a bandwagon now. Local lawmakers get involved in the bill based on an Orlando case. Hmmmm, elections are only one year away. Coincidence?

Press Release: Representative Clay Ingram is announcing that he will co-sponsor “Caylee’s Law”, drafted by Representative Bill Hager (R-Boca Raton) on Wednesday. The bill will make it a felony in Florida for a parent or guardian to fail to report the disappearance of a child within a timely manner when the parent or guardian should have known that the child was in likely danger.

Representative Ingram applauded Representative Hager for drafting the bill in response to the tragedy. “Something clearly needs to be done to hold those responsible for our children accountable for their actions. It is inexcusable to fail to report the disappearance of a child for as long a period of time as Casey Anthony did. I am proud of Representative Hager for taking the lead on this important issue.”

Representative Ingram stated, “The death of Caylee Anthony was a real tragedy. Whether or not the State could prove murder, the simple fact of the matter is that Casey Anthony seriously neglected her responsibilities as a mother in not reporting her daughter’s disappearance.”

Representative Hager stated that he is glad that Representative Ingram will be working to get the bill passed. “I am honored to have the support of Representative Ingram on this good piece of legislation. I know that he understands the importance of ensuring that the children of our state are protected.”
