Inner City Soccer update

Steve Sharp has been working hard to bring youth soccer to the inner city area. Although the Pensacola City Council chose to move LOST funds away from soccer and use it for bathrooms for the new tennis courts at Roger Scott, Sharp and his group are forging ahead.

In all fairness, many of the council members knew little about this effort, but nonetheless it is progressing nicely.

Here is an update from Steve Sharp:

A pilot soccer program began at Hallmark Elementary School two weeks ago. David Kemp, Director of Coaching for Pensacola Futbol Club, is working with approximately 40 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders every Tuesday after school. In addition to David, he has had two other coaches out there working with them.

David said things are going well and the kids are enthusiastic about the game of soccer, with several showing some real potential. It is our goal to expand this to at least include Yniestra ES next year and incorporate these kids into the PFC/City rec program.

Unfortunately, the one and only designated soccer field, (which is shared with football), in the city is located at Roger Scott, so we will have to figure out where these kids can play in the inner city, (maybe Legion Field on Gregory, but need improvements), or how to transport them to Roger Scott and/or PFC off of 10 Mile Rd.

Thanks for the support.

Steve Sharp (email

P.S. We need to come up with about 40 size 3 or 4 soccer balls to give the kids to play with over the summer, if you can help us get the word out.
