Insurance reform Bush-style

home disasterThe Property and Casualty Insurance Reform Committee, led by Lt. Gov. Toni Jennings, will meet today in Tallahassee to finalize more than 50 recommendations.

Here are few:

Allowing homeowners without mortgages to buy property policies that don’t include windstorm coverage, or allowing those with home loans to only insure their home or condominium unit to the amount still left on a mortgage

Letting home or business owners choose higher deductibles for their policies

Eliminating high-risk areas for state-backed Citizens Property Insurance Corp., which would allow Citizens to issue complete homeowner policies for customers in those areas, rather than homeowners getting hurricane coverage from Citizens and fire and casual coverage from a private insurance company

Letting insurance companies buy more reinsurance — insurance that insurers buy — from the state catastrophe fund that charges less than the private market and so could reduce premiums for home and business owners

Expanding a state program that offers home inspections and helps people harden their homes against hurricane damage.

All these seem better ideas for the insurance companies than us homeowners. Will somebody please show pity for the working man?
