International Women of Courage honoree Tabassum Adnan coming to Pensacola

We got this email from Jena Melancon of the Gulf Coast Citizen Diplomacy Council:

We’ve just been given permission to share information about the International Woman of Courage who will be in Pensacola next week.

We are honored to welcome to Pensacola Ms. Tabassum Adnan of the Kwendo Jirga (Sister’s Council).

Hailing from the formerly Taliban-controlled Swat Valley of Pakistan, Tabassum Adnan is a women’s rights advocate. Married at just 13 years-old, Ms. Adnan divorced her husband after 20 years of physical and mental abuse – a move that caused her to lose her children, her home, and money.

Abandoned and impoverished, she started her own NGO, Khwendo Jirga, or Sister’s Council. Khwendo Jirga is the first ever women-only Jirga, meeting weekly to address issues of honor killings, acid attacks, and swara, which is the act of handing over women as compensation for crimes or as a resolution of a dispute.

Khwendo Jirga is also a staging ground to launch awareness campaigns for local women’s causes, including on issues related to women and their security, and mobilizes women to vote, offers free legal assistance to survivors of violence, and regularly meets with elected representatives to promote women’s interests in the district.

Ms. Adnan’s calls to action in a child rape case resulted in her being invited to join the Grand Male Jirga in prosecuting the suspects – the first time in Pashtun history that a woman was an active participant in a Jirga. Ms. Adnan continues her work and advocacy despite numerous threats, as well as recommendations from friends and colleagues to keep a low profile.

The U.S. Department of State presents this award annually to women outside the USA who are doing incredible work, often in dangerous circumstances. We are so excited about having her present at our:

International Woman’s Day
When: 11:30 am-1 pm Tuesday March 10

Where: The Governor Perry Home at FUMC
6 East Wright St.
at the corner of Wright & Palafox, downtown Pensacola

The event is free and open to the public. It is hosted by the Women’s Civic Forum and the Gulf Coast Citizen Diplomacy Council. We hope you can make it. (Yes! Men are invited too!)