Inweekly: Meet Improvable Cause

Improvable Cause

This week, our featured story profiles Improvable Cause.  The cast includes Becca Timmons, Brooke Hardy, Cole Dickson, Laynie Gibson, Michael Daw, Rachel Earl, Topher Warren and Colleen Timmons.

From the article:

Improv is a team sport.

And while the performers might not wear jerseys or lob basketballs across a court, they do pass along incomplete jokes to their teammates, expecting them to finish—or at least continue—the play they started. Not only that, but they practice techniques and rules several hours a week just like a sport, said Brooke Hardy, a co-owner and member of the
Improvable Cause improv troupe.

It’s not stand-up comedy, she emphasized.

“No shade against stand-up, but stand-up is an individual sport; you have a set list of jokes you deliver to the audience,” Hardy said. “Improv is a very collaborative activity. You have to be able to work with people and understand people, and be able to not read each other’s minds, but know each other well enough that you can anticipate things. Because really, we’re building something completely out of nowhere based on maybe a suggestion from the audience. And it’s all new—never been seen before, right there in the moment.”

Read “Yes, And?”

Improvable Cause December Show
WHAT: An improv comedy show that happens the first Saturday of each month (usually)
WHEN: 10:30 p.m., Saturday, Dec. 7
WHERE: The Clark Family Cultural Center, 400 S. Jefferson St.
COST: $10

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