Irony: Gun Rally to be held a memorial site for a man killed by a gun

A Gun Rights Rally has been scheduled for the City of Pensacola’s MLK Plaza, which honors Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. who was assassinated on April 4, 1968, in Memphis, Tennessee by James Earl Ray.

State Rep. Clay Ingram and County Commissioner Wilson Robertson are scheduled to speak.

Here is the press release:

screaming1The Second Amendment gun rights of all Americans are under attack. Law-abiding citizens in Northwest Florida say “NO!”

Patriotic Americans will gather for a Gun Rights Rally on Saturday, February 23rd in downtown Pensacola at the Martin Luther King Plaza on North Palafox Street from 3:00pm – 5:00pm.

The following people are scheduled to speak:
Florida Representative Clay Ingram
Escambia County Commissioner Wilson Robertson
Local NRA Firearms Instructor Connell Findley
President of Escambia River Gun Club A.J. Martin
1330 AM WEBY Radio talk show host Mike Bates

These speakers will address why our Constitutional Right to keep and bear arms is so vital to our Liberty and what we must do to defend that right.

Please join us at the Gun Rights Rally on Saturday, February 23rd in downtown Pensacola at the MLK Plaza on North Palafox Street from 3:00pm – 5:00pm.
