Is Bachmann campaign in trouble?

Congressman Michelle Bachmann’s campaign may be in trouble. Over the weekend, her campaign manager Ed Rollins will be moving to a senior advisory role. His deputy, David Polyansky, is leaving the campaign.

Rollins was the National Campaign Director for the Reagan-Bush ’84 campaign. In December 2007, he was named the national campaign chairman for the Mike Huckabee campaign for President. He made people take Bachmann seriously as a candidate.

Polyansky is the president of New Strategies Group. He served as the Chief Operating Officer and senior policy and political adviser on former Governor Mike Huckabee’s Republican presidential primary bid.

Their departures from the day-to-day could be serious blows to the Bachmann presidential bid. It’s reminiscent of the campaign staff issues Newt Gingrich has earlier in the year.

Read more on Politico.
