Rick's Blog

Is it time to dissolve SRIA?

The Santa Rosa Island Authority survived two efforts in the Aughts –or what some in Pensacola are starting to call the “Bull$#% Decade”–to abolish it. First, W.D. Childers and then later George Touart entertained the idea of getting rid of the layer of government that runs Pensacola Beach.

Today’s story in the daily newspaper of Island manager Buck Lee getting a $11,000 bonus may start such discussions again. The bonus wasn’t on the agenda, simply a motion made by a board member at the meeting. The County Commission has no power to veto the vote, according to the newspaper. This comes after Lee being given a 5 percent raise earlier this year that brought his pay up to $111,862—which doesn’t include his car allowance and use of SRIA vehicles.

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