Rick's Blog

It’s late at night …and I’ve had too much to think – 9/12/06

It has been a week since the Community Maritime Park passed. Everything is the same, but everything has changed.

The Pensacola City Council, except for Marty Donovan, is more unified than ever. Mayor John Fogg is becoming a stronger mayor each day. His participation in the discussion on the future of Pensacola on WSRE last Thursday was insightful and inspiring.

The Pensacola Young Professionals have already moved on to their next projects – affordable housing and internships for college students.

On the Missing Persons List are Marty Donovan, C.C. Elebash, Sam Hall, Luke McCoy, Blair Stevenson, Melanie Nichols and P.A. Ucci.

We’ve got to build on the momentum of the CMP vote. The city council needs to vote in favor of the referendum for the expansion of the DIB area. Our downtown is more than Garden and Palafox streets.

Once that is passed. The next step is for the City of Pensacola to begin annexation procedures. We have too many urban areas that benefit from city services but don’t pay city taxes. The city limits need to be expanded to Nine Mile Road on the north and Blue Angel Parkway to the west. The annexed areas will benefit from better law enforcement and fire protection as well as better recreation and overall public services.

For the life of me, I can’t understand the daily newspaper’s editorial position of waiting. When you have a victory, you need to take advantage of that political capital and keep pressing ahead.

The future of Pensacola is only as bright as we believe it can be.

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