It’s official. UPS moving to P’cola

Press Release: UPS to move regional sorting operation to Pensacola Gulf Coast Regional Airport

Pensacola Mayor Ashton Hayward announced today that international shipper UPS would be moving their regional sorting facility to Pensacola Gulf Coast Regional Airport, beginning operations on October 31, 2011.

“UPS is pleased to add Pensacola Gulf Coast Regional Airport to our global logistics network,” said UPS Airlines President Mitch Nichols. “We look forward to providing excellent service to our Gulf Coast express shipping customers from this new gateway.”

The agreement with UPS is the latest in a string of economic successes for Pensacola and Mayor Hayward, who took office in January. “Part of my pledge to the citizens was that I would work to get our economy moving again,” said Hayward. “This is a tremendous win for our community, because it showcases the assets we have: a strong labor force that is willing to work, a fantastic airport that is business-friendly, and a community that is ready to make things happen for businesses that create jobs. Having a major shipper like UPS based here in Pensacola is not only good for the jobs it brings, it’s also good for the credibility it brings to our airport and our community – not just that we’re open for business, but that we’re a good place to do business,” Hayward said.

Hayward said he and City staff, including Airport Director Melinda Crawford, had met with senior UPS officials several times over the past few months, and that both the City and UPS were excited about the move.

“This is the type of project that could have easily gone to some other airport, but because we were paying attention, running down every lead, and making economic development a priority, we’re going to have a major international shipper flying in and out of Pensacola,” said Hayward. “One thing I learned in corporate America was to never be afraid to ask for the business, and I can tell you, I’m not afraid to ask,” said the Mayor.

The move by UPS relocates their regional sorting operations for the central Gulf Coast from Mobile, Alabama, bringing two daily cargo flights to the Pensacola Gulf Coast Regional Airport and generating an estimated 30 jobs initially. In return for infrastructure improvements UPS will make, the airport will pay UPS a relocation incentive of $25,000.
