Rick's Blog

It’s time to end this nonsense

We have two has-beens–scions of old Pensacola–that are out to stop a project that will revitalize downtown Pensacola and, in the process, are trying to become relevant.

Marty Donovan is the classic lose-lose personality. He doesn’t care about losing as long as everybody loses. Instead of helping this community battle the biggest catastrophe in our lifetime, this one-time environmentalist takes another stab at attacking Quint Studer and a project that this community needs.

Forget his petition and referendum could cost the taxpayers millions, forget that the stadium is the lynchpin that makes the economic component work, forget he is yet again misrepresenting the facts surrounding the project—Marty wants everyone to lose.

And Jack “I am the Walrus” misses the limelight. After controlling the City’s airport and port for over a decade and dominating the Pensacola City Council, Fat Jack wants people to see him as financial conservative….ignore how the City pensions ballooned under his leadership, ignore the sweetheart deals and long-term leases he gave his friends at the Port of Pensacola, ignore how the city budget nearly doubled while he was on the council…Jack is Jack.

They can do petition drives, cost the City millions and feel no pain….maybe.

I think Marty and Jack should hear from the supporters of the park.

Jack Nobles is an officer of Coastal Bank and Trust, 400 West Garden Street,
Pensacola FL 32502. I post his email address on Monday.

Marty Donovan runs his family’s real estate business, Donovan Realty. 223 East Government Street, Pensacola, FL 32502-6018. His email: Donovan01@aol.com.

I’ve been contacted about a group that wants to picket Coastal Bank and Donovan Realty. If the protests materialize, I will let you know.

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