Teacher teaches boy at local Christain school. Boy’s parents hire teacher as tutor. Boy scores. Both lose virginity. Affair ends after 3 months. Boy’s aunt turns teacher in after affair is over and teacher tries to make a new start. Teacher convicted, branded as sexual predator for the rest of her life….Sounds like Lifetime Sunday afternoon movie.
This is a tough one. Boy admits he was the aggressor. Adult female admittedly had few dating skills —PCC may be able to prevent sex and male-female social interaction for four years, but their grads have to live in the real world at some point. Teacher should have fought the boys advances – but is she a criminal?
We’re putting someone into an already crowded jail system who can be a productive citizen. We’re putting her in jail to satisfy our Law & Order bloodlust. Put an ankle monitor on her and let her serve her time doing community service.
There is a definite difference between Bird and the recently resigned Congressman Mark Foley, but if Foley is found to have sex with a minor, both Bird and Foley will be in the same Sexual Predator database.
PNJ articles: Judge must decide case with no easy answers , Affair puts ex-teacher behind bars