Rick's Blog

Job Fair for the Homeless

Local churches helping out the homeless community is nothing new. But Heirs of the Kingdom, a Pensacola church, is taking it to another level.

The church is stepping beyond its usual offerings—shoes, clothes, a shave—and hosting a job fair for the homeless.

“This is the first time we’ve done the job fair part,” said Phylesia Baldwin, who is coordinating the event.

On July 14, from 1 to 3 p.m., the church will host the job fair at its 6300 N Davis Hwy location. Other services—clothes, food, etc.—will be offered from noon until 4 p.m. There will be volunteers on hand to assist in filling out the appropriate paperwork necessary for employment.

Baldwin said she has already enlisted about ten area employers to participate in the fair.

“They we’re like, ‘oh, that is awesome,’” she said, describing the businesses as “mom-n-pop” operations.

The church is aiming to connect members of the homeless community with employers in hopes that it might offer them a way out of their current scenario.

“You’ve got these signs on the corner—‘Will Work for Food,’” Baldwin said. “Well, here’s your chance.”

For more information on this event, contact Heirs of the Kingdom at 484-0770.

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