Rick's Blog

Johnson: Lumon May and his dirty Jew friends can go to hell

To say Republican John R. Johnson is upset that he was disqualified from running against incumbent District 3 County Commissioner Lumon May would be an understatement. He didn’t hold back in a phone interview. Johnson wanted voters to know: “I’m antisemitic, and I’m proud of it.”

The candidate told our reporter, “The system is rigged, just like Donald Trump said. Only in this case, it’s rigged for the incumbent.”

Johnson said he was forced to use a cashier’s check because Pen Air Credit Union has discontinued providing counter checks. “This ain’t my first time running. I’ve run about 30 times. In the past, with your campaign repository, you could write a counter. They stopped issuing counter checks, so the only thing I could do was get a cashier’s check.”

The candidate said he took out a mortgage on his house to raise the money ($5,564.28) to pay the qualifying fee.

“First thing they say to disqualify me is that I had to fill out Forms 1 and 6,” Johnson said. “It’s a new system. They really just brought it up last Tuesday. I don’t know why they brought that up on Tuesday when the qualifying date was Friday. I had to go online to fill out the form. If you go online, you most likely have to use high-end computers that rich people have access to. When we were online with people, they said I didn’t have to file Form 6 because Form 6 was for incumbents.”

He added, “I think it’s rigged, and I think it’s rigged against poor people. They want to make the office for bougie people.”

Johnson accused Lumon May of helping people steal property.

“You know what they’re doing is they’re using people like Lumon May to steal people’s property. Quint Studer said the problem with District 3 is too many dilapidated buildings,” Johnson said. “You know who owns these buildings? Poor folks who can’t get a loan. It’s a big cabal full of corruptness.”

Before ending the call, Johnson fired off: “I’ve been running all this time to save the public, and now I’m convinced it’s rigged. Lumon May and his dirty Jew friends can go to hell. I’m antisemitic, and I’m proud of it.”

He insisted that the last sentence be in the story.

How will the Escambia County Florida Republican Executive Committee respond?


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