Jury recommends death

The jurors took only a little more than a hour to recommend the death penalty by 10-2 vote for Patrick Gonzalez in the murders of Byrd and Melanie Billings. Judge Geeker will hold a sentence hearing on Dec. 9 before he makes the final decision on the sentence.

In a brief press conference after the sentence recommendation was read, Ashley Markham read a short statement in which she thanked the community, Escambia County Sheriff’s Office and the State Attorney’s Office. “Although our wounds will heal, there will always be a scar.”

State Attorney Bill Eddins was asked why he pursued the death penalty: “I hope to put him to death.”

When asked if the buck stops with Gonzalez and is he the top of the food chain, Eddins said, “In my opinion, he is the top of the pyramid. We chased down every lead and came to that conclusion.”
