King’s spiral continues

Hugh King has a warrant out for his arrest for battery against businessman Lumon May. King has pre-filed to run for Escambia County Commission, District 3, but has yet to gather enough signatures to qualify for the race. He changed his party affiliation to NPV to avoid the Democratic primary–a crowded field that includes May.

I reported on the battery yesterday and what I told the sheriff’s investigators. Apparently there were enough witnesses for a judge to issue a warrant. According to law enforcement, he has agreed to turn himself in.

In today’s daily newspaper, King called the incident a “fabrication” and spun the story to where it was May who was the instigator. This will play out in court.

May refused to talk with the daily and hasn’t talked much with our paper about the incident since the arrest warrant was issued. He did say that he was shocked that King would bring a gun into a church, especially at an event to help children cope with the Trayvon Martin shooting. He went to law enforcement to protect his family and let children in the African-American community know that violence shouldn’t be tolerated.

The point of King’s version that doesn’t make sense is that he and May aren’t political opponents at this stage of the race. May has to win the Democrat primary before they face each other.

King hasn’t even qualified to run, even though he announced his candidacy over a year ago. He hasn’t raise much money ($4,468), other than his initial contributions that came mostly from a group of white pawn brokers. King has spent all of it.

May met the petition requirement in about a week after he pre-filed. He has raised $31,017 and spent less than $500.

Hugh King arrived at the Zion Hope children’s forum late and smelled of alcohol when I shook his hand.

May was there when the event started doing a live radio remote for WRNE. When not on the air, he moved around the room talking with parents and children.

I don’t think King pre-mediated his attack on May—after all, who brings a gun into a church? However, the frustrations must be mounting for the man who once pastored one of the largest churches in the black community, Greater Union. King can’t get people to sign his petitions. He can’t raise money. When he goes to an event, Lumon May gets the attention.
