Kudos for Faces of HIV cover story

Independent News
Attn: Sarah McCartan and Rick Outzen

Dear Sarah and Rick:

Thank you for your insightful article, “Meet the Faces of HIV.” As the Chair of the Board of Directors for the HIV Care Center in Pensacola, a not-for-profit organization that provides quality medical care, psychosocial services, and comprehensive education to HIV-infected individuals in Northwest Florida, I deeply appreciate how your story helps remove some of the stigma of living with HIV/AIDS.

We find it increasingly challenging to find funding to continue our mission to provide care to HIV/AIDS patients caught in the gap – not poor enough to qualify for government assistance yet not wealthy enough to fully pay for services. We help patients in NW Florida who are financially trapped in the middle stay in consistent care for a better quality of life.

We are co-hosting a fund-raising event with AHA (Against HIV & AIDS) on November 2, 2013. Pensacola’s 2nd Annual Red Party is themed, “On the Red Carpet.” This gala event will feature food, drinks, music and a charity auction. We are currently seeking event sponsors and donations for the auction. Proceeds will support individuals living in NW Florida fighting HIV/AIDS. We would sincerely appreciate any help getting the word out that you and the Independent News might be able to offer.

Once again, thank you, Sarah, Rick, and the Independent News for a front page story about the struggles of those living with and fighting HIV/AIDS.

With gratitude,

Gina Maddox
Chair, HIV Care Center
5153 N. Ninth Ave, Suite 305
Pensacola, FL 32504
