Rick's Blog

Last Word: Francine Maxime

Francesca Maxime

Inweekly, 11/9/2006

The new WEAR anchor has worked as a reporter and anchor in Binghamton, N.Y, Boston, Hartford, Conn., Philadelphia and Syracuse, N.Y. Some of the national stories she has covered live include the Catholic priest sex abuse scandal, the Beltway sniper shootings and 9/11. Here, Maxime talks about her fear of sharks, Sophia Loren and why she got into broadcasting.

What is your greatest fear?
Strangely enough, sharks in the water. I windsurf, sail and got my SCUBA license, but I still can’t seem to shake the shark scares!

What is the trait you most deplore?
Any form of lying or dishonesty. Authenticity is critical.

Which person do you most admire?
The one that most easily comes to mind is my mother. She pioneered work as an Emergency Room physician when most women were told they couldn’t do that, raised me as a single mother, always took the time to keep my extended family together at holidays, volunteered and continues to volunteer her medical expertise at various clinics throughout the Boston area and in Honduras.

What is your greatest extravagance?
I’m not a big-ticket kind of person. Don’t believe in having to spend a million bucks on a fancy car, don’t care too much about having a Louis Vuitton purse. I do spend waaaaay too much on gifts for others.

What is your favorite journey?
I really enjoyed writing for a travel guide in Italy in the early ‘90s and my trip to Uruguay earlier this year. But my favorite and most successful journey has been finding myself – the real, authentic me that you see everyday.

What do you consider the most overrated virtue?
There’s far too much emphasis put on appearance and looks.

When and where are you most comfortable?
On a weekend at home hosting a dinner party – or anywhere where I can cook and bake and entertain and chat with people.

Which talent would you most like to have?
Singing. My speaking voice is a strength … my singing voice? Not so much.

Who would you want to play you in a movie about your life?
Sophia Loren. But she’s my idol. I’d love to play HER in a movie.

What was your most embarrassing moment?
Once, during a live shot in Philadelphia, I forgot what town I was in. I was signing off, saying, “Francesca Maxime live in – … when the producer finally told me where I was!

What is your dream job (not your current one)?
I love what I do. It was a very deliberate choice to get into this business. I started off working in national sales, after graduating from Harvard. Later, I took a career exploration class to help determine where my true talents were. When I discovered that I could make a career out of talking with people, asking questions, gathering information, writing creatively, presenting myself to others in a public way, and buying lipstick because I needed it for the job, I was hooked!

What is your favorite song?
I don’t really have a favorite. I’ve always just listened to a ton of Latin jazz and salsa. Tito Puente, Miles Davis, Michel Camilo, Celia Cruz, Mongo Santamaria … love their stuff.

What do you most value in friends?
Authenticity, honesty, loyalty and staying connected.

What do you most dislike?
Cattiness and dishonesty.

What is the last book you read?
Elliot Perlman’s “7 Types of Ambiguity.” I also just read Isabelle Allende’s take on “Zorro.” But I enjoy Gabriel Garcia Marquez and Guy de Maupassant, as well.

What super power would like to have?
To zap all the calories out of food and drinks! If that wasn’t available, I’d love GPS navigating abilities – I’m horrible with driving directions.

What is your motto?
Be kind to people, respect others, do a good job and respect yourself. If you treat yourself the way you’d like to be treated, you’re on the fast-track to a healthy relationship with yourself and with just about everyone else.

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