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‘Law & Vengeance’ debuts in September

Protected by government agencies that turn a blind eye towards their activities, pharmaceutical corporations, weapons manufacturers, financial institutions, oil companies and other mega corporations rake in billions of dollars annually with little interference. The only lines of defense are trial attorneys, “Giant Killers” that willingly face down the giants, expose their misdeeds, and protect the public.

On my flight back from San Diego, I read the final draft of Mike Papantonio’s second book, “Law & Vengeance.” Based in the fictional Florida Panhandle town of Spanish Trace, the legal thriller was a throughly enjoyable read from a man who knows the ins and outs of mass torts litigation and the misdeeds of corporate giants.

In “Law & Vengeance,” Mike Papantonio gives readers another peak into the legal world where Nick “Deke” Deketomis, his protégé Gina Romano and the Bergman/Deketomis law firm seek to expose the dangers of a malfunctioning gunsight and avenge the murder of their friend and law partner, Angus Moore.

The book is a solid follow up to Papantonio’s first book, “Law & Disorder,” in which Romano successfully defended Deke who had been framed for murder. The second book follows Romano, a highly successful lawyer whose personal demons drive her professional passion for justice.

After she is severely injured in a bizarre car crash that killed Angus, Romano begs Deke to take over his lawsuit against Arbalest, the manufacturer of the deadly Sight-Clops that malfunctions in hot, humid weather. Seeking justice for her clients and vengeance for Angus, she battles a powerful weapons manufacturer, the gun rights lobby, psychopathic Chicago police, a hi-tech genius assassin, and the U.S. Department of Justice.

Written by one of the nation’s premier trial attorneys, “Law & Vengeance” shows how law firms battle the mega corporations against nearly insurmountable odds and offers insights into their partner meetings, depositions and legal strategies without getting bogged down with too much legalese. The characters are colorful, multi-dimensional and believable, and the narrative makes you turn the pages quickly to see what happens next.

Check out the book on Amazon.

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