Just in: Response by House Speaker Daniel Perez and Senate President Ben Albritton to Governor DeSantis’ statement on SB 2B/HB 1B – The TRUMP Act
“The Governor did not read President Trump’s Executive Orders before calling a special session. As a matter of fact, they didn’t exist. And, it would appear he didn’t read SB2B/HB 1B before issuing a response on social media. He leveled serious and inappropriate insults at his fellow Cabinet Officer, local law enforcement officers, and our agricultural community.
“He states in part, ‘Florida localities will provide no meaningful assistance to federal efforts.’
“This is a blatant lie about the Florida law enforcement officers who are on the front lines protecting our communities from criminal illegal immigrants each and every day. The fact is that the TRUMP Act is an expansion of existing requirements that a sheriff operating a county jail must enter into a written agreement with ICE to help identify and detain criminal illegal immigrants, including county jails not operated by sheriffs. Law enforcement is our partner, not our enemy. It’s no wonder the Governor’s proposal included criminal penalties for law enforcement. His statement clearly suggests he doesn’t trust the boots on the ground, but we do.
“He also states in part, ‘It unconstitutionally removes authority to enforce the law from the governor to a lower-level cabinet agency, the department of agriculture, that does not oversee state law enforcement.’
“This statement is completely untrue, and the Governor knows that. Under our bill, the Governor will maintain all of his emergency powers. The Commissioner of Agriculture already has broad authority to act during emergencies and does in fact have a law enforcement division of 200 sworn law enforcement officers who partner with local law enforcement to provide a statewide presence at our borders. There is absolutely nothing unconstitutional about the separation of powers and the advancement of immigration enforcement at a constitutionally-created Cabinet-level agency other than the Governor.
“Finally, he states in part, ‘giving enforcement power to the agricultural arm of state government, it ensures that enforcement never actually occurs. In short, it puts the fox in charge of the hen house.’ This outrageous statement maligns the hard working farmers who work day and night to keep food on grocery stores shelves across Florida.
“The Legislature will not act in a disingenuous or dishonorable way by attacking anyone, especially our law enforcement. Unlike others, the Legislature is not interested in misleading or attacking Floridians, especially Florida law enforcement. Our number one goal is to work together with President Trump. Anyone that says anything otherwise is not reading the bill, not reading the executive orders, or just not telling the truth.
“It’s easier to fool someone then to convince them they were fooled. We aren’t trying to fool anybody. We stand on the Constitution, and the truth.”