Lean In Pensacola networking event Jan. 26

Upon the release of Sheryl Sandberg’s popular and at times, controversial book, Lean In – Women, Work and the Will to Lead, a grass roots network of small support circles of women popped up throughout the nation. The Lean In Foundation has developed resources on how to start and sustain a circle, but there seems to be a need for local support and resources customized to our community. The Greater Pensacola area has a handful of circles and many women who have an eager desire to engage in an outlet to support their achievement of their personal and professional goals.

A small group of women leaders have formed together to bring to Pensacola, an inaugural Lean In Pensacola event. This event is open to the public and a place to share thoughts and to learn more about Lean In Circles and how to join or start one. Gulf Power executive, Bentina Terry will share her Lean In story as the key note speaker.

Join other women interested in learning more about Lean In on Tuesday, January 26 at 5:30 p.m. at the Pilot House, upstairs at Atlas Bar and Grill. Registration is free. https://leaninpensacola2015.eventbrite.com

Attendees will learn what a Lean In Circle is and how to join or start one. Circles are as unique as the individuals who start them, but they all share a common bond: the power of peer support. Women are asking for more and stepping outside their comfort zones, and women and men are talking openly about gender issues for the first time. There are more than 25,000 circles in 126 countries and continue to grow.

For more information, visit the Lean In Pensacola Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/LeanInPensacola/