Rick's Blog

Learn about doing business in the EU

Enterprise Florida is holding a briefing on doing business in the European Union tomorrow 10-11:15 a.m. at Pensacola State College-Downtown Center, 418 W. Garden St
3rd Floor, Room 307. Space for the free briefing is limited. Please RSVP via email to amoore@enterpriseflorida.com

In 2016, the United States and the 28 Member States of the European Union (EU) enjoyed a robust economic relationship, characterized by $5.1 trillion in two-way investment. In 2017, Transatlantic trade flows (goods and services trade plus earnings and payments on investments) averaged $5.2 billion each day. It is estimated that transatlantic commerce generates more than 15 million jobs.

The transatlantic digital economy is an important pillar in the overall U.S.-EU economic and commercial relationship: the United States and EU represent the two largest net exporters of digitally deliverable services in the world and, in 2015, 62 percent of U.S. services exports – representing $184.2 billion — were delivered digitally.

This is an opportunity to gauge your company’s opportunities in the European market.

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