Rick's Blog

Lee County holds presser on coronavirus response. Escambia recycles press releases

Lee County government held a press conference yesterday  to reassure the public that they have plans to contain the spread of COVID-19 coronavirus.

The news conference included representatives of the Lee County Sheriff’s Office, Lee County government, Lee Health, Lee County Emergency Medical Services and Lee County Schools.

Like Escambia County, Lee has had one death due to the coronavirus. However, Gilley’s administration has only posted a flyer on Facebook and in county buildings and recycled DOH press releases. The strategy appears to be to communicate as little as possible, and maybe it will go away. With Governor DeSantis declaring a state of emergency, she needs to be more public and transparent.

Please email, admin@myescambia.com, County Administrator Janice Gilley. Tell her it’s time to hold a press conference and share what the county is doing.  The public deserves a better communication plan on this, and it may take public pressure to change her coronavirus strategy.


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