Letter from Liz Campbell

Over the weekend I received this letter from Liz that she asked me to post:

My Dear Friends and Supporters,

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who took the time out of their very busy lives to volunteer, financially support, and vote for me during our recent Special Election.

I am so very grateful to all those dedicated people who tirelessly worked behind the scenes day in and day out for almost a year. I am humbled by the amount of passion, drive and commitment this diverse group of civic minded individuals continues to show, and their relentless pursuit of equal representation in government.

We have made great strides to be a truly inclusive party here in NW Florida. This election showed us that teamwork and perseverance can overcome great hurdles, and that money is not the great deciding factor that it once was when it comes to getting our message heard.

2008 will prove to be a monumentally important election year, locally, statewide and nationally. I will continue to work toward our common goal of government representing the real, hard working folks of our area.

I thank you from the bottom of my heart, and I will remain, as always, your dedicated servant,

Elizabeth Campbell