Letter from Sam Hall

The major discrepancy the 26 July 2007 Pensacola News Journal article regarding my truck’s brake failure is that it was neither I nor any associate of mine who thought the manner the brake assembly failed was suspicious, it was the tow truck driver who came to take my truck to the garage. Indeed, a person not familiar with this particular fitting (my mechanic had never seen one) could easily infer what the driver the same thing the driver did.

I canceled the tow.

I contacted law enforcement not for an investigation but simply to establish a report. It was the Sheriff’s Office who volunteered to have my truck towed to its facility to remove the damaged brake lines. I declined, took it to my own mechanic, and then did as the deputy suggested: brought him the right-front hydraulic line and coupling. Case closed.

As for the rest of the article, I never asserted it was any city worker and especially never suggested it was anyone from Parks and Recreation.

Methinks some may be trying to apply some political heat here, eh?


Pensacola City Council Member, District 2
850.444.4784 (home)
850.346.5990 (mobile)
