Rick, I was disappointed to see that apparently your rag doesn’t publish letters to the editor, cuz I was hoping I could publicly expose your article for the PC drivel that it really is. So now George Zimmerman is out on bail. Got him in your cross hairs yet? Pardon moi, I forgot you’re pro gun control. Actually, I’m not a member of the NRA, nor do I even own a firearm.
There’s much more than just 2nd amendment rights that infuriates me about this case. For example it’s the double standard of people like you who take refuge in their comfort zone by tagging along with the mass media, because Lord knows, what caucasian with half a brain wants to invite the wrath of the NAACP or God forbid that scary rabble of militants known as the “new” Black Panthers? You know, those racist degenerates on a mission to get whitey. The same ones who dare to call out for Zimmerman, “dead or alive.” And you have the unconscionable gall to label him a vigilante!
So you admit that Trayvon Martin was walking in a gated community – a fact that his been so downplayed in this whole media circus. I suppose that’s just where he needed to be in order to buy some skittles, aye? I don’t know what’s been censored more, such a fact or that recent pic of him which doesn’t exactly portray him in boyish innocence like all the other snapshots we’ve seen of him.
If the Martin family, whom I sincerely empathize with, because I know what it is to lose a child, and their rabble of supporters in the streets are so convinced of Martin’s role as the victim in this tragedy, why aren’t any of them demanding evidence through voice analysis of the screams heard in the background of the 911 call? But condolences for grieving parents doesn’t necessarily equate with the facts in a case.
I’m a firm believer that our propaganda machine has the phenomenal influence of making most people remember or forget as it desires, e.g., how many of us remember the Colin Ferguson case on the NYC subway? Least of all how many of us recall that if ever there was a racially motivated crime it was that one. You remember, the black assailant who singled out white victims. You and your ilk aren’t interested in reminding the mindless public about such unspeakable hypocricy, are you?
You and I and all of your readers know damn well that there is far more black on white crime than the other way around, yet television, press, radio, and the internet can have a great majority of the masses viewing such a reality, the other way around. Joseph Goebbels would have been in awe of such sophisticated brainwashing.
So if Zimmerman is convicted by a black or predominantly black jury, I would wager that hardly a word if any, will be uttered about it. But if he’s aquitted by an all white or predominantly white jury, we won’t hear the end of it. Why in fact who knows what’ll happen? After seeing what occurred in L.A. after the Rodney King beating trial, Sanford, Miami, Orlando could go up in flames! That is mob hysteria. And you’re only adding fuel to the fire. Why they might come after any cracker in sight like you. Then perhaps you’ll be wishing you had a firearm to protect yourself with. But then again, who wants to end up like George Zimmerman?
Editor’s note: LOL