Letters to the Editor: W&L and Crossword draw attention

In your Winners and Losers this week you provide a reasonable analysis of how the S&P downgrade has hurt us but you brand the whole US government as a loser. Why?

There are many competent people in the Executive Branch and the Judiciary, and perhaps even a few in Congress. Isn’t it just a portion of Congress that is the loser; for example, those members who have signed pledges that keep them from being able to reach a reasonable compromise?

Moreover, S&P has its own problems. Nate Silver has done a brilliant job of documenting that here.

I know you have supported Jeff Miller in the past. Maybe it is time to consider new blood? Have you ever thought about running for Congress?

Just asking.

George, Pensacola


I do like your new format, but please considering keeping the crossword puzzle.

Tom Daniel, Pensacola


Thank you for including Council on Aging of West Florida as a “winner” in your August 11 issue. It is an honor to be selected. We also appreciate your ongoing support of our organization. Many of the individuals we serve are among the most vulnerable in the community. Your help in raising awareness of the challenges of the elderly, and their caregivers and families, only helps make them winners too.

Thanks for all you and your staff do for our community,

Jeff Nall, Pensacola


Nice job on the new design for IN hardcopy.

Ellis W. Bullock, III, Pensacola


Whoever was involved in the new redesign needs to go in the Losers column!!

Anonymous, included in Best of the Coast ballot


Put the puzzle back in!

Scott Schumacher, Pensacola


As a matter of fact I do, but I’ll restrain myself. I enjoy your publication, and I look forward to the crossword puzzle every week. Please tell me that you’re going to replace it with something worthwhile. Tell me that you’re not making more room for boring ads. In is already littered with plenty of these. For the first time, In disappoints me.

Shannon Gehrke, Pensacola

