Little information offered on Pensacola Police union negotiations

Yesterday, we reported that Mayor Ashton Hayward had offered the police union a 10-percent raise. We sought more information from the city.

Vernon Stewart, the mayor’s public information officer, told Inweekly in an email, “Nothing has been formally ratified or executed. Proposals have been exchanged but nothing executed.”

We have since learned from Councilwoman Sherri Myers that the police union originally requested 8 percent for three years to deal with its retention problem. Robert Larkin, the attorney representing the Hayward administration, countered with three consecutive 1-percent increases and claimed the city was broke.

Sources in the union have shared that the mayor offered 10%-3%-3% yesterday—which is still less than what the union requested.

Meanwhile, Council Executive Don Kraher is trying to set up a “shade meeting” for the city council to get an update on the police union negotiations. He has tentatively scheduled it for 3:30 p.m. Thursday, June 28.