Local chosen FDOE Senior Outstanding Volunteer of the Year

Florida’s Commissioner of Education announced that Charlie Dicken, who was nominated by Blue Angels Elementary School, has been selected as the Senior Outstanding Volunteer of the Year for Region One. The Outstanding School Volunteer is presented annually to school volunteers who have demonstrated exceptional dedication and commitment to quality education in Florida.

“The service Charlie Dicken provides to Blue Angels Elementary is exceptional. He can always be counted on to help in any way that he is asked whether it is helping with morning traffic, or coordinating the military volunteers from the Air Station,” said Superintendent Malcolm Thomas. “Additionally, he represents the school’s interests with community stakeholders and partners.”

“School volunteers are a crucial part of the school community and deserve to be commended for donating their time to making school a great experience for Florida students” said Commissioner Stewart, in her press release. “I am so appreciative of these individuals, and I want to take this opportunity to encourage anyone who is interested in becoming a school volunteer to contact their school district and learn how they can make a difference in local schools.”

Mr. Dicken, known on campus as Mr. Charlie, is on campus more days than not. A casual observer would probably think he is part of the school’s staff and he is certainly part of the school’s family. His image is even included in a beautiful mural that greets visitors to their front office.

Principal Karen Montgomery explains, “He is what I call a silent soldier. He looks for needs and addresses them. When it rains, he is out front helping in a rain coat. If a teacher needs help, he is there ready to help, and he is all over the campus.”

“In all my years in education, I have never met someone quite like Mr. Charlie. He sincerely wants to help make someone else’s day better. One of our teachers even said, if we could peek under his shirt, there certainly must be a set of angel wings.”

The Escambia County School District honored Mr. Dicken at a Volunteers’ Appreciation Luncheon held last May, before nominating him to the State Department of Education. As a state selectee, Mr. Charlie will receive a letter and a certificate from Commissioner Stewart.

The list of the state winners in all three categories (Youth, Adult and Senior) is posted at here.
