Locals on Race To The Top committees

Florida Department of Education announced yesterday that members for seven of the eight Race to the Top implementation committees. Three are from the Escambia School District, including Superintendent Malcolm Thomas. One is from Santa Rosa County.

The working groups will focus on standards, assessments, student growth, and teacher and principal development.

Formative and Interim Assessment
The purpose of the Formative and Interim Assessment committee is to provide input, feedback and recommendations to the state in the development and implementation of formative and interim assessments.

Claudia S. Curry, Teacher, Escambia
Malcolm Thomas, Superintendent, Escambia

Teacher and Leader Preparation
The purpose of the TLP committee is to provide input, feedback and recommendations to the state in the development and implementation of performance standards and targets for continued approval of state-approved teacher and school leadership preparation programs.

Catherine S. Boehme, Teacher, Escambia

Standards Instructional Teacher Tool

The purpose of the SITT committee is to provide input, feedback and recommendations to the state in the development and implementation of the standards instructional tool for teachers.

Leo F. Murphy, Postsecondary, Santa Rosa
