Dear IN Editors:
I just loved reading your fair and unbiased account of “wanna be” sheriff candidate David Morgan’s decision to pre file for the 2008 sheriff race. As I recall Mr. Morgan finished a distant 2nd place in his last venture into the political arena out of the two candidates. As a 25 year member of the Sheriff’s Office and having served under four previous sheriffs’, I am always interested in what particular strengths and talents that motivate a person to seek this office. I find David Morgan’s response to your deep cutting interview when questioned why seek office to be novel. Morgan indicated he’s financially sound and doesn’t need a job, he further states he is reluctant to run.
Basically Morgan means I don’t have a job, need a job or want a job. Quite a political platform. This certainly inspires confidence, comfort, and respect needed to lead an agency our size. But let’s consider what could possibly motivate this diamond in the rough (chunk of coal) into another run at office? The people behind the scenes, the hands that rock the cradle. I find it enlightening your independent news interview provided this glimpse into the personal motivation when you specifically list his support group, Pensacola topless bar owner Arety Sievers, defrocked medical examiner Michael Burkland, Movement for Change Lee Roy Boyd, Pensacola Police “retired or be fired” Greg Sievers and police groupie David Craig to name just a few.
Thank god for you and your reporting staff to continue asking the hard hitting questions, which help me, make a responsible decision in such important matters. It appears that all that stinks downtown may not be just the waste treatment plant. As always thank you for allowing me to continue to exercise my own little 1st Amendment right of freedom of expression.
Lt. Rex Blackburn,
Escambia County Sheriff Office
RO NOTE: Yes, Lt. Blackburn, even sarcasm is protected by the First Amendment. Your letter offers great insights into ECSO. Thank you.
The election is two years away. The Buzz item that you are referencing was intended as a brief introduction into the candidate. We have plenty time to do deeper investigations into all the Escambia County Sheriff candidates.
One suggestion – Stop Our City tried personal attacks on the waterfront park supporters and it backfired. You might do better staying focused on the issues….but it’s just a suggestion.