Rick's Blog

LWV: The Role of Federal Government in Funding Education

Press Release: The League of Women Voters General Meeting will be held on Saturday, November 19 at the Lucia Tryon Library, 1200 Langley Ave. Coffee will be served at 9:15 AM and the program will start at 9:45 AM.

The program will be Part II of the Education Study. Part 1 was discussed at the October meeting. The topic will be the role of the government in Public Education: Equity and Funding, and will include a discussion of the ANo Child Left Behind@ and ARace to The Top@ laws. The speaker will be Dr. James P. Hamilton, who provides consulting and lobbying services for public school districts, professional associations and businesses.

Dr. Hamilton has an M.A. and B.A. in Social Studies Education and a Ph.D. in Educational Management from Florida State University. He has served as a teacher, dean, assistant principal and principal in various schools in Hillsborough County. He is a member of Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society, Florida Principals= Hall of Fame, and currently president of HBEC, a consulting firm.

The League of Women Voters is a non-partisan political organization that encourages informed and active participation in government, and understanding of public policy issues

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