M.E. search committee makes recommendation

State Attorney Bill Eddins announced that the Medical Examiner’s Search Committee met on Aug. 14 to consider the resume of Dr. Scott Luzi for possible appointment as Chief Medical Examiner for the First District of Florida. 

Dr. Luzi is a Forensic Pathologist currently working in California. The committee reviewed Dr. Luzi’s background including his experience, education, and references. 

After Dr. Luzi’s interview, the committee unanimously voted to recommend his appointment.  The counties will need to reach an agreement on his contract and salary before his name can be submitted to the Governor for appointment.  All parties involved will discuss the issue and it is hoped that a decision will be made within 30 days.

Dr. Minyard’s resignation is effective Sept. 30, so it will be necessary to appoint an Interim Medical Examiner.  The State Attorney’s Office has the responsibility to appoint an Interim.  This appointment must be done in conjunction with the four counties, as they have the responsibility of payment. 

In press release, Eddins said, “My office and the four counties are working on obtaining a system and process to appoint an interim and it is expected to be in place by Oct. 1.”

He added, “The four counties have been very cooperative and diligent in regard to the search for a new medical examiner.  Their cooperation is fully appreciated and it is expected this process will be successful.”