Mack continues pushing on CMP

Council member Diane Mack plans to make a motion on the CMPA developer negotiations today at the Committee of the Whole:

In a letter to me dated February 19 Judge Lacey Collier, chairman of the CMPA board wrote, “…the Board [has] set the date of 13 March at which time negotiations [with Maritime Park Development Partners LLC] will end….On the 13th, the Board would then either approve the contract or alternatively proceed to negotiate with Trinity or, most likely I suggest, recommend to the City Council that CMPA seek bids on the site preparation work and get that part of the project underway.”

At the City Council Committee of the Whole meeting on Monday I will offer the following motion for consideration and vote: “That the City Council support the CMPA Board in its plan to cease negotiations with Maritime Park Development Partners as of March 13. Further, that if an agreement with MPDP has not been reached, that the Council urge the CMPA to proceed with its recommended alternative of seeking bids in order to commence the site preparation work as soon as possible.”

The effect of the alternative noted in the motion above would be to remove the $20 million site preparation/public park portion of Phase 1 from the “development package.” The CMPA could then decide how best to proceed with the remaining park development including the multi-use stadium.