Mack smacks blog

Councilmember and “Strong Mayor” wannabe Diane Mack is upset with me challenging the City of Pensacola’s response to the BP Oil Disaster. From her latest newsletter:

“A report on City actions to monitor Bayou Chico/BP activities has been posted at this link: Certain blog “journalists” owe City staff and the Council an apology for making uninformed statements today.”

The report from Coby wasn’t issued until 2:19 p.m. Thursday, June 3—one week after the city council meeting and five hours after my blog post.

The Pensacola City Council is so concerned about the BP oil disaster that it won’t meet again until June 21. Give me a break, Ms. Mack. Meeting once a month isn’t decisive leadership. Please don’t let this crisis interrupt any summer vacations.

No apology will be forthcoming from me. Spare us the melodrama.
