Rick's Blog

Mack speaks out against ECUA hike

Pensacola Councilwoman Diane Mack is recommending business owners speak against the proposed ECUA rate hikes for water and sewer:

“At a time when small businesses in Escambia County continue to struggle in an economy severely affected by recession and by the BP oil disaster, any increase in the cost of doing business makes it harder for those businesses to keep their doors open.

A public hearing and final vote on the ECUA utility increases will be held this Thursday, September 23, beginning at 3:00 p.m. in the board meeting room at ECUA, 9250 Hamman Avenue, Ellyson Industrial Park. If you have a business that cannot afford to be hit with these increases, this will be your one and only chance to plead your case for NO INCREASES. Please pass the word to other businesses as well. I will be there to speak on behalf of City of Pensacola businesses and to urge the ECUA board to recognize this as an issue that will affect economic development.”

Read her entire blog post.

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